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Showing posts from July, 2014

Canada Day Celebrations

Canada Day - July 1st - calling for thundershowers, but blessed with beautiful weather! So thankful for all the help at setting up everything - many hands make light work! Let the party begin The Welcome Wagon  The photo booth - lots of great photo's taken here!  The plank race  Corn Hole  Ping-Pong Precision  Three-legged Race  Mega Jenga  The Haywagon Ride - Thanks Mr. McNabb for being so generous with your time and equipment! Lots of adorable kids - so great to see so many out, but hard on my heart!  Love these girls so very much!  Lots of canoeing, swimming, splashing    A great couple, love them so much Fireworks to conclude the evening! So thankful for everyone that was able to come out - over 150 people! So many people that I wasn't even able to say hi to everyone So blessed to re-connect with old friends and make some new connections!

Ray of Hope

Ray of Hope - June 2014 It was my first time organizing this outreach - I was a little nervous as preparing for 250ppl can be! Planned a fairly simple meal to prepare - with yummy results pulled in some younger kiddo's - such a chef! This was mostly our crew for the day - a few others popped in and out, so thankful for every single person that lent a hand, or donated food, or money, or prayed for us! Thankful also for the opportunity - praying many were touched!

Basement Renovations Cont.

Excited to see the slow progress in my studio - the walls are completely studded now spray foam all done - Thanks Mr.Weber Next - drywall! Looking like I may get in sooner than I originally thought! Excited - God has been supplying all the finances and looking forward to watching as He continues to supply every need!

Blazing a Trail

There's approximately 3 acres of pine on our property and till this time that's all it's been, bush! Till this summer. In preparation for a Canada Day party I was hosting I wanted to create a trail for people to be able to stroll through.  Many hands make light work - my younger brothers were such willing helpers! Jo-Jo and Mikes loved using the ax and helped clear a lot of the brush  James helped a lot with the clearing as well, strange I didn't get any pictures though! Only this one! *smile* The finished product! Even if not a lot of people end up using it - I love it! The end - it's a beautiful trail now - if any of you would like to check it out... feel free, that's what it's here for!

First Dinner Party

I was asked to cater my first dinner party the end of May, but sadly didn't think to get any pictures till it was almost all over and done with. It was a small party, but loved every second of it. Menu: Poppy Seed Spinach Salad Mini Homemade Loaves Honey BBQ Steak Roasted Potatoes Grilled Asparagus Mocha Chocolate Stash Lemon Custard Cake Apple Turnovers Pumpkin Crunch I think everyone enjoyed it - Looking forward to the many more that are ahead...