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Showing posts from October, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

 I am becoming worse and worse at taking pictures at these family things... not quite sure why, just don't think of it anymore... until after the fact! So this is our family... was a wonderful thanksgiving - one to remember all the Lord's faithfulness over the past year and to remember all that He has done for us! Jenelle, Chris, and Aaron were all gone for thanksgiving this year and dearly missed. We did our thanksgiving dinner on Sunday as usual - so after church we came home, had some snacks, while we waited for everything to heat up! Nice relaxing time, chatting and sharing together! After dinner we went for a walk in the bush - was such a beautiful evening - thankful for such an amazing family God has blessed me with... and how they put up with me! Couldn't ask for more! Monday was thanksgiving with Marks family - hosted by Brad and Diane:) Had a lovely dinner then a walk on a beautiful afternoon, then back to the house for an evening of games! So thankful to be...


I want to publicly thank this amazing guy for everything he did for Chris and Jenelle's big day!  He was always there... kept a smile on my face during the stressful times, and helped me see the beauty in something, even when it didn't turn out as planned:) Thanks for helping out in so many different ways - cannot even begin to write out everything you did! You were a huge blessing. Thanks Mark!

Wedding Preparations

Now that life is back to "normal" and getting adjusting to the pace of life... I realized I was terribly behind in my blogging:( One of the first things to go when life get's busy. I have to admit that I didn't take too many photo's but there are some moments that I would love to share with you all!  My dear sister wrote and recorded a song for her wedding (a song to dad and Chris). I was so honored to be able to go with her to the studio and help with the mixing, etc - was fun and brought back a ton of memories! This song was played as dad gave Jenelle to Chris - "Take This Moment" was definitely a highlight of the ceremony! Some of the dessert for the wedding - the requested "Pumpkin Crunch Cheesecake" Doing a trial make-up... yes outside, and of course the day before the wedding!! Thankful for these fun moments we were able to have during the business of it all! The bride getting her nails done We all (the bridal party, ...