2017 was an incredible year filled with MANY changes and experiences I never imagined would befall this little country 'gal. January - Started off with by returning to school (full-time) . In pursuit of me following my life long dream of becoming a Paramedic I needed to take Biology, Chemistry, and Math credits as it had been 6+ years since I last took any of the sciences. The Pre-Health program at Conestoga seemed to be the best option, as I wanted to get my accreditation for Paramedicine at Conestoga College. Returning to school was quite the adjustment as I had not been in full time school for 6+ years, but it quickly grew on me as I got to know my colleagues and schedule. It took me awhile to re-teach myself how to study... it's different as an adult! February - Within the first week I found out that as a mature student, using my grades from the "Pre-Health" program (instead of my highschool transcript) they would NOT even look at my application for Param...
Everyday is a new reason to celebrate...