I am getting worse and worse at making sure I'm capturing memories through pictures.
My actual blogging isn't doing the best either, but I am going to try and be better this year (this is me nonchalantly admitting that I just confessed one of my new years resolutions).
As I mentioned in my previous post I haven't been home for December for a very long time - so this Christmas was really special for me! I was able to make our traditional Christmas wreaths with my grandma (a recipe passed down from many generations ago), and help with a lot of the Christmas prep, which was super special for me.
Christmas morning started the same as usual, MOM BEST EVER brunch! Her brunch always consists of fruit salad, egg casserole, and Christmas wreath... PLUS all the other extras she always adds, but they ALWAYS vary! Almost everyone was able to make it out for the entire day which made it super special
Mamma's always got time for her kids - we played a lot of games together between brunch and gift opening. It was so nice just to all be together again! The older everyone gets the more rare these times of getting together become.
Of course, NO Toman gathering ever happens without music of some kind. Usually its literally everyone picking up whatever instrument they can play (or think they can play) and making a JOYFUL noise! #memoriesforever

...and we had tournaments!
Ben and I had our Christmas together the next day - super special and I'm SUPER blessed
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