I will never forget the very first day I worked at the Windmill Tim said to me "Rach - welcome aboard... however if you ever choose to leave the ship you will get pied!" To make it official I guess this is what needed to be done! So here are the pics...
I really knew it was coming -- it just turned 6o'clock, someone shut the doors, everyone started congregating in a common area, James was all fidgety.. so I calmly walk over to start the drink cooler... well James got his dear sweet little wife to "want to talk to me"! She was the LAST person I ever thought would do such a thing to me!
I'm sorry, but this was my initial reaction!
Mrs.Heikoop says this is what I get for talking so much!
I'm sorry James - got your brand new shirt all dirty, but more IS coming!
Not really sure what to think
Katelyn got so upset when daddy got me all dirty
Then I ran after James and Erik wasn't too thrilled!
I suppose it wouldn't be normal for me to leave the Windmill Country Market without some sort of practical joke played! I thought the pie was enough, but apparently not!
The "smile" on my windshield written as a decoy to turn on my wipers and use my windshield washer fluid
However what I didn't realize was that the hose had been disconnected and brought into my car - so that when I would turn it on the fluid would spray all over me! I must admit it was pretty clever and it did make me laugh! Some people I tell you :)
These are some of the "see you later" cards - made leaving all the harder...
My dear fellow Windmillerites! I will miss all the times we've shared together (good, bad, easy, hard!)! In these past 5.5 years I have learned so very much from each and every one of you! I will never forget you guys - you are all so very special to me! And all of you Windmill Customers... sometimes it was your cheerful hello, or just a smile - that made my day! I will miss all of you!
Thanks all for putting up with me!
My dear fellow Windmillerites! I will miss all the times we've shared together (good, bad, easy, hard!)! In these past 5.5 years I have learned so very much from each and every one of you! I will never forget you guys - you are all so very special to me! And all of you Windmill Customers... sometimes it was your cheerful hello, or just a smile - that made my day! I will miss all of you!
Thanks all for putting up with me!
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