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Family Day 2014 - Hamilton Falls

There are over 100 falls in Hamilton and I want to find them all!
Mapped out about 16 and we all headed down the road!
Very thankful for the beautiful weather we were blessed with - freezing rain was on the forecast, but thankfully, the sky was clear!
Falls #1 - Albion Falls

 Sunny, but wanted to include this pic - she's such a beautiful girl -inside and out!
My dear brother and sister!
 The hike to the second falls was the most scenic and filled with lots of memories!
Creating an avalanche as they called it with the snow!

 My dear friends and siblings - so blessed to spend some time with them
 We had to hike along the river to the falls - what memories!
 An absolute beautiful scenic day - sun shining so bright, the blue blue sky, the white snow, a day filled enjoying Gods creation!
 Falls #2 - Buttermilk falls
 Behind the frozen falls - notice the rock layers!

 Thankful for the relationship that continues to grow!
 Jonathan falling off a cliff - what a goose!
 It was hard for me to decide what pictures to include!
 Enjoying life
 Lunch on the run
 Under the LINC - the one falls we searched for and searched for... most of them gave up and went to the van...
 However, some of us were stubborn and finally found it...
Falls #3 Upper Glendale Falls - so worth it!
 A crazy cutie
Another falls I had to slide down a steep 75ft embankment to get a good picture of - that's us at the bottom
 Falls #4 - Felkers Falls- again so worth it!

 funny memory
Behind Felkers Falls - love the colors

Falls #5 - The Punchbowl
All of us overlooking Hamilton
 All of us were able to make it to dinner as well before we had to rush our separate ways! So thankful to be able to talk to Chris and Jenelle a bit more and spend the time all together
Someone told the waitress it was my birthday, so they all came out singing their song and brought me strawberry cheesecake!

Such a great day and so thankful for the family God has given me! I'm truly blessed by their love, encouragement, and support! Don't know what I would do without them at this point in my journey. He truly has blessed me with a good heritage and an amazing group of people I choose to call my family!
Though change is inevitable the choice is ours - we can fight till our spirits are weary or we can release all resistance and create something new in our changed world. It has been challenging adjusting to the new family life, but it makes me cherish the times we do get to spend together more and more! Truly and abundantly blessed!


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