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Though His Eyes

Do we all have this idea in our minds - that one day we will wake up and our future will be clear?
What if it doesn't?
Our future begins here, it begins now. God has so much for us right now, and though yes, it's so important to be cautious and careful of the decisions we make in life - THIS is where God has us, HERE is where He has placed us, NOW is when we are to be who we are called to be. His plan for us is HERE and NOW. If we are constantly living in the future, we will miss so much of what God has for us here and now... Being completely honest and transparent - I have found myself in this position many times, and sometimes still do. Someone just challenged me on this today!

Looking back over the past few months I have seen so much of God's providence and grace in my life - seen Him work, seen His hand, and known that I have been able to bring (even if it was in some small way) change to this hurting world. There is a time when we realize that our own seemingly small hardships pale in comparison to those around us. How often do we look at our present situation and complain that we don't have it as good as we think it should be. When all around us there are people that under their tough skin are totally falling apart, because they don't have the One to pick them up again. I want to be used to bring people to Him, to find rest for their weary souls, and healing to their broken hearts and lives. 
So many people walk around as though they're the only ones in the world, so desperately alone - when there is Someone who cares so very much for them. Maybe they've been rejected, maybe they've been thrown out, or maybe they just don't feel good enough to be loved. However, everyone needs love, everyone needs to know there is someone that simply cares for them. God has been showing me so much of this in the last couple months, more then I understood before as I've been able to see into so many different lives. As people open up and share "their" story - I keep hearing it over and over again "I just want someone to care". It has been a growing season of life, but also humbling when I see how I've taken for granted my whole life how always having my Heavenly Father by my side every step is a total foreign thought to some - incomprehensible. As we begin to look at people through His eyes of love - a whole new world opens up - and He is able to love through us, and His joy spill from our spirits!
Father of the fatherless, defender of the weak. Freedom for the prisoner, we sing. This is God clothed in love and strength, With us in the wilderness, faithful to provide. Every breath and every step, we sing. This is God in His holy placed, clothed in love and strength. There is none higher, there is none greater, there is no stronger... Than our God. 

So dear friends - look around you, look for those who need HIS love, it might just come through you!


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