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Aaron's Graduation

Most of the family went down to the States at the beginning of the week, but because of work I was unable to, so the younger boys stayed back with me as well...
 Trixy had puppies again and my girls love spending time with them - especially this one, Izzy - such a heart for animals!
 Marshmallows + Campfire = Happy, Happy, Happy Kids!

 I took the boys, and my grandparents down to NY with me
We got in super late the night before, but the hotel we booked had a pool in it, so the boys HAD to swim, even if it was for only 10 minutes!
The drive down was hard, but so thankful both grandparents were able to make it
Some of his graduating class
 Receiving his diploma
The family
 My parents and Aaron - who gave so selflessly!
 So proud of this guy

Aaron R. Toman - Class of 2014
So excited to watch as you follow God and His leading in your life! Can't wait to see what your next chapter brings!


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