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Mother's Day Project

Every year the weekend before Mother's Day I try and get a shot of each of us siblings to "change" mom's wall in her dining room - it's something I started about 5 years ago...
it has become something she has really looks forward to!
(this is not my picture)
Chris & Jenelle
These two very special people have moved to Swaziland - a very small, landlocked country within Africa, and very close to South Africa. They had been there since October 2014, but were able to make it back for a little over a week during Aaron &  Hannah's Wedding!
It was so nice to see them again, but it was such a busy time that we really didn't get much time together.
They are loving married life and are happy to be serving God in this capacity!
Can't wait to visit them over Christmas!
 Aaron & Hannah
These two got married July 18th, 2015 and as well been loving married life! Their dating relationship was a quick one, but voila - here they are!
They live in Kitchener, so nice and close, yet we still don't see much of them...newlyweds I tell you!
They are heavily involved at MZAK and enjoy being able to serve together!
This is me - not many changes, but subtle ones I suppose! 
I am still a nanny of 5 beautiful children and though sometimes prove to be growing my character, these dear ones definitely have a very special place in my heart!
This past summer was terribly busy at Rach's Cakes - too busy in fact for just one person to run solo! Filled with weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays - oh and a few of those adorable baby showers thrown in there too!
The summer has gone too quickly - but we're so ready for whatever comes next!
My long lost brother - this chap has been interning with Child Evangelism Fellowship this summer and found himself in Warrenton, Missouri where he has been taking a few courses to further 
his knowledge and heart as to how to reach children for Christ better!
So excited as to what God has in store for this guy
This gal turned 18 this summer and although still finishing up highschool inspires me as she's working towards going to Conestoga next year for their nursing program! It was hard to keep track of her this summer as she is quite the social gal and was busy with many different things!
This handsome dude has grown into quite the young man! So appreciate his tender heart for the Lord and sensitivity towards others! He worked so much this summer and has been saving up for a farm of his own! He loves being around animals (cows in particular) and hopes to one day have a place of his own!
Our dear dramatic 12 year old! Some say he takes after me, but in all fairness he has his own unique personality! He was a huge help on the farm this summer - as most of us were working or busy elsewhere - he was very faithful with mowing the lawns and doing whatever needed to be done! He loves being around people and LOVES to make you laugh!
The baby of the family - was quite content to stay close to mom all summer! This guy loves being around people as well as long as he can give you lots of hugs and sit on your lap! A hard worker this one is as well!
That's a wrap folks - now you're caught up on my family... or were! It's a quick pace type of life and changes happen quickly and abundantly in bigger families like these!
So thankful for our parents and the values and legacy they have instilled in us!


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