As many of us wake up this morning
our thoughts will be focused on the one we love. The hype of making sure we get
the prettiest roses, taking our sweetheart to the most exquisite restaurant,
and making sure the most delicate chocolate is bought, is such a ‘special’ part
of today. For others of us it’s a day where we should look for those who do not
have someone to buy them roses or their favourite chocolate; show them a little
of His love. For some all they need is a hug! My challenge to you – who will
you bless!?
Still for some of us when this day
comes we try and bury ourselves in our work or studies to try and keep our
minds off the real purpose in Valentines Day. However, this past week as I was
thinking about the 14th I was challenged by my readings. I am not
trying to negate the fact that this is a hard day for many of us singles.
However, it can also be a super special time for us, if we embrace it as such. Our
true lover, the one who willingly gave His life for us is begging to have an intimate
relationship with Him. I’m not talking about going to church every Sunday, or
even reading your Bible everyday. I am talking about a true genuine REAL relationship with Jesus. What does
this look like you ask? I may not be the best one to be writing about the
amazing intimate relationship with Jesus as previously mentioned. However, it
is something I desire above all else.
Love is a choice; it is an action given willingly
without coercion. This is also something that was so beautifully shown through
the life of Jesus. He gave up His throne in Heaven to become a man. To walk
among us sinner and to give His unconditional, unrelentless, undying love. He
stooped down so low to heal a leper, so pick up those living in immorality, to
reach out to those He knew would spit in His face. He CHOSE to love us, WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS. A phenomenon I will never
be able to comprehend, but one I intend on living out. Who are we going to
chose to love? Will we be content to only love those who have the capability to
love us back? Or will we look for
those who cannot love us back. We will love the un-loveable with His real
compassionate love. Will we go as far as to love those who have mocked us,
counted us for naught, and cast us aside. The choice is ours! I know which one I’ve
Love is a sacrifice. This is something that was clearly exemplified through
our Lord and Saviour when He chose to come to earth. In FULL knowledge that He
would have to suffer immense pain and betrayal from His heavenly father. Why? Because
of His radical love for each one of us! Also, because He know this was the only
way He would ever be able to restore a relationship with mankind and the Father
again. He stood in our place, became sin for us, and reconciled us to the
Father. What beautiful, sacrificial love.
True unconditional love is a will
to give freely and willingly of one’s self expecting nothing in return. This is
what Christ exemplified and we as His followers are commissioned to follow in
His footsteps. I am far from this, but I will not stop until this is something
I have attained. It is one of the most beautiful aspects of who we are to be in
Draw me and I will run after you. Place
me like a seal over your heart, as a seal over your arm for love is as strong
as death. It’s jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire,
like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot sweep it
away. If one were to give all of ones house of wealth for love, it would
utterly be scorned.
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