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Family Update

Usually this occurs around Mother's Day, as you might remember. Not sure what happened this past year! I really need to get back to blogging on a regular basis! 
Chris & Jenelle
Chris and Jenelle moved back from Swaziland  January 2017 and we were all thrilled to have them closer to us.
Chris had no problem finding a job as a mover - which is what he was doing between trips home before. Jenelle has been working at McDonalds as they start back up their life together here in Canada. It has been an adjustment for them, but I am sure glad they're back!
Aaron & Hannah
Aaron is working at Toman Services and is finishing up his apprenticeship as an electrician. 
Hannah continues her work at the office as well as teaching piano and violin privately. 
They are both really involved in their church and spend a lot of time hosting and giving back to the community!
Rachel (me) - OCHT - Paramedic Student
This year has brought so many changes! I am currently finishing up my second semester at Ontario College of Health and Technology in Stoney Creek for Paramedicine, AND absolutely loving every minute of it. It has been stretching and positively character building! I love science and helping people - I'm so excited to start my career as a Paramedic! Also, working for Voyageur which you can read about in the previous post! It has been a daily struggle juggling school, work, and my social life! I just keep telling myself school doesn't last forever! Those that understand deserve a huge medal! 
A special shout out to 
Marc & Janice - dear friends that unconditionally support and love me through everything
My parents: who love me through thick and thin. Who understand when I can't see them for months on end that it's not a measurement of how I care for them, but that this is something I need to focus on for the time being
Benjamin: Who has shown me incredible support and love. He is the one that came into my life at a time I didn't think I needed, but in actuality needed it most! I can't imagine my life without him...

Daniel & Rachel
Daniel is still working on his degree in Business Administration and Marketing....and loving married life!
Rachel has been working for a distribution office and doesn't really like all the desk time, but...there are pro's and con's to every job! Both of them are very social people so you can always expect to find people over visiting or a big party happening at their place! 
 Faith - 2nd Year CONESTOGA RPN
So proud of this girl and how she has handled all the different things life has thrown at her this past year! She has moved into her own apartment and is thriving! She is also doing an incredible job after the community colleges were on strike! She will make a fantastic nurse! 
Girl - you done made me proud!!! <3
James - Grade 12
This guy has so many ambitions in life and it has been a ride to watch him pursue them all in different ways! He continues to work hard at the many different jobs he has as a relationship with a very special Hannah Abbott. 

Future Ambitions: Moving out west to go to firefighting school
Micah- Grade 9
This guy never ceases to amaze me! He is growing into quite a young man! Loves playing the many different instruments he has at the moment! He is super gifted in this department and can't decide whether to pursue the arts or... 
Future Ambitions: Police or Music Teacher

Jonathan - Grade 9
Our little genius - the older he gets the funnier he becomes! 
He loves being the baby of the family, but loves being a teen all at the same time!
Love watching the young man he is growing into!
Guys - this is all of us! 
We are FAMILY and we are SIBLINGS
We are all different and all going in different directions
We may not always agree
We may not always see eye to eye
But family blood sticks close


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