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Capturing December 2nd

December 2nd - My Favorite Holiday Movie

I once read a book where it said our life was like a stage with a director and many actors around us! 
I'm not sure how good it would be to take that example to the extreme...
However I think it does have some very valid points. In the book it was saying that after we were born into the family of God we are put on stage for the audience (the world) to watch us. Our Heavenly Father being the director guides us as we "act"... we still have a free choice of if we are going to listen to the directing and make the play (our life) a glory, a true reflection of the director, or if we are going to do our own thing.

This time of year may be a time of rejoicing, happiness, joy, and peace for many people. However for others it could be a time of grief, sadness, questions, and anxiety. Whoever you may be, wherever you may be, try to reach out to those around you who are hurting... make this very special time of year special to them, and see as God reaches out to you and comforts you in ways you'd never be able to imagine! 

Let those around you know you love them - whether you're able to say it right to them, sending them a "smile" in the mail, or just praying for them! 
Remember the reason for the season and spread the good news!

I pray that my life would reflect the Director and that I would be able to shine for Him! Looking forward to watching as He works out His will in and through us!


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