It was an incredibly beautiful day and we had the day off - well... so we thought! Everyone managed to get home around 2ish... then we all jumped in the car and drove to Stoney Creek. We have this one hiking spot that we always go to, but thinking it would be a little muddy this time of year we decided maybe it was time to expand our horizon's a little! Hiking has to be one of the #1 things on my list of "things to just do". Fresh air, beautiful scenery, exercise, etc! Someone suggested this place and I'm so thankful we were able to go - it was beautiful (skip the name part)! The hike to the hike... The view was amazing - it was such a clear day you could see right across the lake. It was one of those days where the sun was shining so bright, the clouds were those big fluffy marshmallows, and the temperature was perfect! The Punch Bowl - little side note when we got down there... all the sudden we heard some "thunder". Everyone sort...
Everyday is a new reason to celebrate...