I was able to go to Deanna Malespin's (A dear friend) Baby Shower - didn't get a whole lot of pictures, but a few that needed to be shared:)
So good to see Deanna and get somewhat caught up... life happens!
So good to see Deanna and get somewhat caught up... life happens!
The beautiful mother-to-be - so excited for her!
Quite a few neat games were played - this was one and my mom volunteered to be a baby and race against another competitor to finish the juice in the bottle! She won of course!
Sarah-Ruth and Faith later on went in the kitchen... cute girls
One day this past week I went to help out one of my cousins... she's pregnant with their third child (so happy for them) and dear Maggi here has recently been diagnosed with T1D. I took them to an appointment then watched Maggi... she's such a sweet little girl! Her mother is an amazing women and an inspiration... keep them in your prayers!
note: I've been having to use the camera on my phone - the lens on my camera got scratched:(
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