Brought three of Henry + Heathers boys home Saturday night and they were able to spend a few days here with our boys! Was nice for all of them I think!
Any motorized vehicle they could find, they drove... basically:)
Hendrick and Jonathan spent the morning fishing...
So I filleted the five fish and they had fresh trout for lunch! They said it was yummy!
They slept in the tent all three nights - even though two of those nights it down poured! It was a spur of the moment "Rach, can we come to your house" so they didn't have any of their clothes, however Jonathan and Micah had tons to go around - or so we thought! They spent so much time outside in the mud... so many changes of clothes... so good to have the boys here though!
It's not often that our younger boys get the opportunity to play with children their own age, think they all enjoyed it! Hope they don't all get extreme colds now though!
Took the boys back and was able to do some good grocery shopping, visited a bit with Henry and Heather + Co. - always such a blessing, encouragement - then back home - long, busy day, but so thankful for it! Especially those special moments!
It was SO much fun I wish we could do it more often