The church had their annual Family Camp weekend - wasn't able to get too many pictures, but thought I'd post the ones I did get! It was a bit different this year, a lot more relaxed. A time of fellowship and rest!
Saturday afternoon a bunch of us went down the river - Dad and Mr. Weber in the front with the chain saw clearing a path... so many trees had fallen across the river, making it difficult to pass!
Daniel shared Sunday morning on Courage - did an excellent job!
Chris & Jenelle - being just a tad goofy:)
I was responsible for the children Saturday morning... played some games with them - it was super hot, thankful for some of the water games!
Apple Bobbing - they all loved this! Most of them had never bobbed for apples before, was quite interesting especially with the super young ones, fun to watch!
Mr. Weber, Mr. Hamilton, and Dad went berry picking for fresh strawberries - Mom and Mrs. Weber topped them! Yummy Strawberry Shortcake
One of my Sunday School girls - trusting that some of the things I've been able to share with them will stay with them as they grow older. Likely my last semester of teaching them as we all move on.... such sweet girls with so much potential! Trusting our Heavenly Father to keep them under the shadow of His wings!
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