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Showing posts from January, 2016

Last Day

The last day we stayed at Chris and Jenelle's and just spent time together, swimming, chatting, going for walks, did a hike, and made ox tail stew with pop and mango avocado salsa! Hmmm something I'm dying for right now! Just isn't the same though with mangoes that have been picked green months ago and shipped over here and have sat somewhere forever! There is just something marvelous and amazing about a fresh tree picked mango, and avocado and leeches for that matter as well! Thankfully you can't see the face of this person otherwise I would not be allowed to use it - they are very particular about having their photo taken (more often then not they HATE having their picture taken!). I love how it was all captured though in this picture!  The beauty of the hills, trees, and landscape. As well as the thatched roof on the right with the lady walking down the sidewalk - a very typical scene in Swaziland! Our Ox-Tail meal - other than pizza this is the only food...

Mkhaya Game Reserve

Our last few days in Swaziland where spent mostly close to "home". We ventured out a bit, but just really appreciated and valued the many walks and talks I was able to have with my eldest siblings! On the Monday before we left - we drove down to Mkhaya game reserve about 1hr S/E of Mbabane - when we left Mbabane it was cool and cloudy (as you can tell from the pics - I am wearing a sweater) but by 10am it was 40 and cloudless! We weren't all prepared with hats like we should have been, but it was definitely an experience bouncing around on an old army quad in the middle of absolutely nowhere seeing Rhino's, Hippos, Giraffes and SO MUCH MORE! Our little bomb minus our tour guide - AFRICA The little outhouse on the edge of the game reserve property - the stench was super strong! Our first sighting - PUMBA - it was kind of funny - The guide kept saying WARTHOG, but because of his accent it was really hard to understand so he started singing Hakuna Matata...


The only disappointment I had while here with Jenelle is that her avocado tree didn't ripen in time. This may sound sad, but it's true! We had planned *cough*...I had planned on trying a lot of new dishes with fresh, amazing, ripe, huge, CHEAP avocados! Ach - the ones in the store were fine!

Sisters by Chance ~ Friends by Choice

This is my sister, my best friend, my confidant, my best support, and even when the miles separate us the distance feels less enlarged when you're connected in the heart! I am so thankful I got to spend this time with my beautiful sister, definitely the trip of a lifetime, but I hope and pray it's' not the last, because...     I can't wait a year!

Christmas 2015

Sadly I didn't really get too many decent pictures of Christmas day!  Jenelle and I made our traditional Christmas brunch: Christmas Wreath (a sweet bread), quiche, and fruit salad! We headed over to Aunt Mary-Beth's and Uncle Rons for Christmas Lupper with Derek - it was really special to spend this time with them! AMB and I had a really great chat - always super grateful for her and the advice she so quietly, or not so quietly gives! Whatever I need to hear! SO thankful to have her in my life! We came back home and skyped the family! Was lovely seeing all their faces! Glad we didn't know till after the face we were on the big screen! Being in this third world country over Christmas was definitely different! Made me think again how much we have and how much we take for granted! Whether its our family or the material possesions we have, or the truths that have been passed down either from our parents or through God's word. All of these things I take f...

The Days Leading up to Christmas

Execution Rock A lot of really sad history right here - they would walk the guilty from the village below up the long side of the mountain to the highest peak. If they survived being pushed off they were considered "clean". You can only imagine what kind of life they would have after they had been pushed from such a height...IF they survived! So sad! Barefoot grocery shopping - yes guys you gotta try and embrace as much of the culture as you can! This folks is epic, gross if you really think about it, but epic! Hmmmm hmmm! This folks if living the wild life on the edge! Swimming on Christmas Eve - we may need to make this a new tradition if I am in a warm country!  Jenelle and I cooked and cooked and cooked Christmas Eve till our feet hurt! It was crazy fun to be in the kitchen again with her as we used to spend SO many hours together here! It's a great bonding thing, I promise you should try it! Introduced Chris and James to these amazing du...

This is Africa

TIA moment - I am allowed to use the abbreviation because I was given permission from a native I promise! This is something I needed to add here! For some it will make you giggle inside, others my be a little concerned. But....this is how we move in Africa! Nope it doesn't matter that not everything is tied down (and in fact I will likely loose all my rope). And nope, doesn't matter that my car releases black smoke so I don't even know if I will make it to my final destination, and nope I don't care if something falls out and wrecks another car, and NOPE don't care that there are two people in the back of this trailer as well who will hopefully make it to the final destination in one piece!  A little (this is Africa moment for you all!)

Panorama Drive Blyde River Canyon

                                                            Lone Creek Falls  Our first stop just outside Sabie - these falls still had quite a bit of water falling over the rock, but most of the falls in the area had dried up due to the drought! Trying to give a bit of perspective of how high these falls were! These were by farm my favorite if I tally up all scores going! The walk to the falls, the rock formations, the height and sound of the falls and the surrounding scenery encompassing the whole opening in the bush! Bridal Veil Falls A few kilometers away from the previous falls but not near as much water! You may not be able to see it in this picture, but the purpose behind this shot was to get Chris taking me to THESE falls. He has a standing joke that now I can throw back at him: Because of ...