Sadly I didn't really get too many decent pictures of Christmas day!
Jenelle and I made our traditional Christmas brunch: Christmas Wreath (a sweet bread), quiche, and fruit salad!
We headed over to Aunt Mary-Beth's and Uncle Rons for Christmas Lupper with Derek - it was really special to spend this time with them! AMB and I had a really great chat - always super grateful for her and the advice she so quietly, or not so quietly gives! Whatever I need to hear! SO thankful to have her in my life!
We came back home and skyped the family!
Was lovely seeing all their faces! Glad we didn't know till after the face we were on the big screen!
Being in this third world country over Christmas was definitely different! Made me think again how much we have and how much we take for granted! Whether its our family or the material possesions we have, or the truths that have been passed down either from our parents or through God's word. All of these things I take for granted on a regular basis, unless I make a conscience effort to STOP and give gratitude.
What are you thankful for RIGHT now!? I am sure you can name at least 5 - go ahead! Just say them out loud, or write them down!
We NEED to make this a DAILY practice, otherwise we will get lost in the daily STUFF of routine we call LIFE!
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