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First Sunday and Travels

Jenelle and Chris took us to Pastor Wonder's church for our first service as they wanted to EASE us into African culture and not scare us out of our skin, before we had a chance to re-adjust.
It was beautiful and really neat to see their hearts of worship and passion of love for Jesus - their simple faith. Most Pastors in Africa don't have any prior teaching of the context or doctrines of the Bible - so they preach like they've only heard before (on TV) which is where the bad reputations come from. So nice to see that they're not all like this! All the people were very welcoming and Ps. Wonder was very excited that his preaching had gone international!
It's very humbling being in such a setting where you're surrounding by those who have so little, yet they are giving everything they have (their hearts) in worship to Jesus.
The view from Jenelle's door - had quite a few walks down these paths with many chats to tie us over until the next time!
Mangoes, Lichies, Advocados, and Chris' cooking are the things I will miss most about the food over on this foreign continent.
We drove up through the mountains to Hawane Farm close to Mbabane where Chris spent the first 3 years of his time in Africa before Jenelle and he got married. We went into this little grocery store.... ok wait I need to clarify this.
It was a little mud shack that was painted a bright yellow with a thatched grass roof you walked in and there was NO electricity and floors were dirt! There were shelves lining the wall filled (if you can call it that) with chips, bread, sweets, and warm sodas! Maybe a few difference sauces!
It had been 10years since Chris has been back here - so he was asking if there were still any of the people he knew really well. They only recognized a few names and as we were leaving Chris told them to say "Hi, from Chris" - they burst out in laughter then in unison "CHHHHRISSSY!" Was so neat to see Chris in his own element!
Rock Sibebe
We drove around a bit more and saw the difference architecture of the buildings (or the lack of it). The way some people think it's ok to build a house - I tell you. It's not because a lack of money, but a lack of training or practical common sense!
Some of the houses had some really creative elements - I will give them that, but structure wise - I don't want to be around when a storm comes!
Oh, and the churches! It seemed like the most eccentric design would win the award of the year and draw the most population through it's doors!  
The evidence this part of Africa is going through a pretty severe drought where many of the cities have their population under water restrictions. Something we DON'T understand back here!
The trip to Belembu was pretty uneventful other than the millions of pines we passed, which I loved because there was such a lack of the Christmas Spirit. No one decorates and hardly any stores play Christmas music - they say it's strange with no snow!
A small yet once booming mining town where the Europeans took advantage of the native people to this land. A lot of sad history right here in this town. They are now trying to restore it and bring it back to it's former glory - hopefully putting it back on the map!
The Hydrangeas were in their late bloom, but I still had to take a picture! The streets of Belembu were lined with these beautiful plants! As much of Africa - all of the exotic plants we pay an arm and a leg for here, just grow beautifully on the side of the road
Bird of Paradise  was another one of my favorites to see and just take in its natural beauty!

The border crossing exiting Swaziland here is as old as the hills (maybe there' a slight pun intended)
They have a BOOK of entry/exit that they WRITE with a ballpoint PEN the numbers of people's passports and names! This just made me laugh!
"The hills are alive with the sound of music" were the lyrics that were running through my head as my brain caught up to the beauty that was entering through my ocular cavities! *insert smiley here*
How can we behold such incredible design without acknowledging the existence of something far greater taking the time and thinking to place this all into motion!
Between the Sheets
I had to laugh when I saw the name of this guest house. And literally all the names they choose to use for different businesses or shops...are seemingly something they were sitting there and the looked and saw an object and called it as such!
Ok past all that... This was such a lovely quaint place with a cute waterhole (pool) located in Nelspruit!
Stone Oven Pizza - one of the many amazing ones we had the pleasure of devouring!
So thankful I kept a detailed journal of all the happenings and events of this trip!
The drive to Graskop - beautiful, but sad we couldn't see more of it for the fog!


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