The last day we stayed at Chris and Jenelle's and just spent time together, swimming, chatting, going for walks, did a hike, and made ox tail stew with pop and mango avocado salsa! Hmmm something I'm dying for right now! Just isn't the same though with mangoes that have been picked green months ago and shipped over here and have sat somewhere forever! There is just something marvelous and amazing about a fresh tree picked mango, and avocado and leeches for that matter as well!
Thankfully you can't see the face of this person otherwise I would not be allowed to use it - they are very particular about having their photo taken (more often then not they HATE having their picture taken!). I love how it was all captured though in this picture!
The beauty of the hills, trees, and landscape. As well as the thatched roof on the right with the lady walking down the sidewalk - a very typical scene in Swaziland!
Our Ox-Tail meal - other than pizza this is the only food I took a picture of (I think!). Which is stunning! However, seeings this was the last meal and it being so traditional and all - I had to!
"Even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil"
Every time I look at this picture I see something else, another thought, a different verse - something so picturesque here.
To get to our destination (the falls in the valley). We had to sneak under a locked gate (the gate was for cows not humans - promise) and walk through a very thick portion of bush on this path that most people lost their shoes. The reason for such things we will never know - after all THIS IS AFRICA!
Beautiful beautiful falls right in Jenelle's back yard - and maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but I kind of discovered them! I know it won't be the last time they visit them though! They loved it down there and there were hundreds of different types of fruit trees that I am sure they will be making good use of!
This is a JUST BECAUSE photo - reminded me of one of the falls I have visited in Hamilton, ON
Was thankful for the opportunity to spend a few more hours with Marianna before we left her continent. We met at the mall and had lunch together and chatted about where life was taking us, for her it's a little more known, but we never really know what God has in store!
Always appreciate getting together with this lovely gal, always leave refreshed with a smile on my face - although this time it wasn't so big! Can't wait till our next reunion!
A picture of my bro-in-law in his natural element (SO NOT). I was so very thankful for his willingness to literally drive us all over the country. He was so excited to show us these different things and his favorite places - but driving is NOT his thing!
Thankful also for the many GREAT chats and discussions we were able to have. His encouragement and laughter will be remembered till I see him again! lol! So thankful to have him in my life!
Once more - this is not goodbye! It's just I love you, to take with you, until you're home again!
Jenelle I am so thankful for the time that we were able to spend together! Thankful for all those memories we were able to MAKE together! You're a very special friend and I love you so very much! You have just given me a taste of the beauty of Africa - I will be back!
Hopefully you come here first though:)
My trip to the continent of Africa was definitely amazing, wonderful, and super refreshing. However, take out the whole "leaving my sister in Africa" I was ready to come home! Ready to get back to work, ready to be back in my home church, and SO ready to see my kids again!
Till next time folks!
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